Hygiene Technology

Innovative hygiene technology

PHT offers individual hygiene concepts for all company sizes and the appropriate hygiene technology. In the food industry and in companies with hygiene-sensitive areas, ensuring personnel hygiene through appropriate hygiene technology is fundamental. PHT creates tailor-made hygiene solutions and supplies the appropriate systems – whether for new construction or for retrofitting existing companies. Our systems are safe to handle, energy efficient and operationally stable – they also offer the highest level of occupational safety.

Increasing hygiene in your company

Proper personnel hygiene is crucial when it comes to your product safety. In order to implement personal hygiene, the correct hygiene technology is essential. This must also be user-friendly, easy to clean and, if possible, contactless. PHT provides you with modern technologies that make operation as easy as possible for your employees. Because: Proper hygiene can only be optimally implemented if the hygiene technology is accepted by your employees. That’s why at PHT we rely on ergonomic design and a smooth process with our technology. The systems fit perfectly into operational processes and give you maximum process reliability thanks to optional “forced control”.

Our top products

PHT soap dispenser with turnstile and hand cleaning channel
PHT soap dispenser with turnstile and hand cleaning channel

Hygiene concepts for every company size

Hygiene is a key success factor in the food sector. We are always aware of our responsibility and therefore fully integrate efficient hygiene solutions into the operational process – with comprehensive service and high-quality systems. No matter the size of your company, we will be happy to advise you on the subject of sustainable hygiene concepts and inform you about the latest standards in terms of personnel and facility hygiene.

Your benefits at a glance

  • The right hygiene technology for every area
  • User-friendly processes
  • Easy maintenance
  • Optionally with access control
  • Hygienic design and as contactless as possible

Hygiene technology at PHT

PHT is your partner for personal and operational hygiene, which is why your product safety is particularly important to us. We plan individual hygiene concepts together with companies, which we implement with the appropriate systems.

PHT hand cleaning channels and paper dispensers

Download our brochure:

Do you want to increase your hygiene in your company with the right hygiene technology?

As your partner for hygiene and technology, we are happy to assist you.

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